Wednesday, July 22, 2009

What's for Dinner Wednesday-7/22/09 - 7/28/09

Wednesday - pasta
Chicken Alfredo on Wacky Mac, Carrot sticks with dip, Applesauce

Thursday - crock-pot
Pork roast, Mashed potatoes, Green beans, Biscuits

Friday - pizza
Hamburger pizza, Grapes, Mint chip cookies

Saturday - easy
Hot dogs with chili, Chips, Raisins

Sunday - breakfast
Pancakes, Eggs, Orange slices

Monday - beef
Impossibly easy cheeseburger pie, Corn, Grapes

Tuesday - chicken
Bog, Broccoli, Applesauce

BOG Cook chicken(2 breast), ground sausage(1 pound) and rice(2 cups). Mix together. Serve with sour cream.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Happy Birthday to You!

Yesterday was A3's birthday. It is hard to believe that it was 3 years ago that she was a new born. We celebrated today with Darlin' and Granddad in VA. We went to Chuckie Cheese for an early dinner. None of the kids had ever been before and they all LOVED it! After the 3 hours at CC, we came home and had cake and ice cream and presents. Darlin', Granddad and the cat, Panda gave her 3 Madame Alexander dolls and a book, and I gave her a toy horse. I think this is the end of the celebrating. One of the perks to traveling on your birthday I guess. On Friday we had cake and ice cream in TN with Nahnee, Papa, Aunt S, Aunt T, and Uncle M. While we were there Nahnee and Papa gave her a bouncing ball, and an outfit, Aunt S gave her clothes and shoes, Aunt T and Uncle M gave her clothes, a purse, and sun glasses. Before we left TX, we went out to eat with Daddy and had cake and ice cream! Mommy is partied out!

Saturday, July 4, 2009

June 2009 in review

Thinking about last month:

*Bible reading-random based on what was happening at church
first 1/2 Genesis
1,2,3 John
parts of Psalms, Proverbs, and Luke
*Prayer-weekly church requests, general prayer for DH, A4, A2, L1 1/2

*Books read:
first 3 KensingtonChronicles books by Lori Wick
lots of kids books
hit and miss reading organization and parenting
*Movies watched:
none - TV broken

*Church activities:
Bible Conference with Dr. Allen of SWBTS
Vacation Bible School (pre-K) Boomerang Express-"It all comes back to Jesus!"

Dad had a "light" heart attack at the first of the month. Quadruple by-pass the next day. He is doing good now. We were not able to go see him right away because of the distance. That was hard but we will be leaving in a couple of days to go see him. I can not wait!!

The kids and I have gone for a walk about once a week.

We moved into our house the first of may. After unpacking about 2/3 of the boxes the rest have been pushed to the side and we have been working on things way to slowly.

I have not been concentrating on habits enough this month.

New, favorite blog
The LPM Blog by Beth Moore and her daughters. Lots of wonderful inspiration.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Colossians 3:23-24

On the LPM Blog by Beth Moore, she has a memory verse challenge that she started at the first of the year. She is encouraging other Christian women to memorize 2 Bible verses a month. On the first and the fifteenth you start on a new verse. I am getting in 1/2 way through the game but I am signing up. On the first and the fifteenth I will post the verse I am working on. On the fourteenth and the last day of the month I will post the verse again from memory.

Colossians 3:23-24 NLT
Work hard and cheerfully at whatever you do, as though you were working for the Lord rather than for people.Remember that the Lord will give you an inheritance as your reward, and the Master you are serving is Christ.